How to Add and Delete Categories in WordPress

May 24, 2024 / WordPress

This article explains how to add and delete categories in WordPress. Categories are used in WordPress to categorise posts so that you can more easily organize and manage your blog posts, relevant to each topic.

Follow the steps-

Adding Categories-

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Posts” tab and click on “Categories.”
  3. Enter the name for your new category in the “Name” field.
  4. Optionally, fill in the “Slug” and “Parent” fields to specify the category’s URL and hierarchy.
  5. Click the “Add New Category” button to create the category.
    Add New Category

Deleting Categories-

  1. From the “Posts” tab, select “Categories.”
  2. Hover over the category you want to delete and click on the “Delete” option.
  3. WordPress will ask for confirmation. If you are certain, click “OK” to delete the category.
  4. Remember, when deleting a category, WordPress may ask you what you want to do with posts that were only assigned to the category you are deleting. You can choose to move them to another category or delete them entirely.

In this way, you can add and delete Categories in WordPress. For more assistance, seek help from our support staff.


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